Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

Safely Removing Ticks from Animals: A Comprehensive Guide

Ticks are small, blood-sucking parasites that can latch onto animals, including pets and wildlife, causing discomfort, and transmitting diseases. Prompt removal of ticks is crucial to prevent potential health risks for both animals and humans. In this guide, we'll discuss effective methods for safely removing ticks from animals.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

Asian Longhorned Ticks: A Growing Threat to Animals

Asian Longhorned ticks have become a growing threat to animals, impacting both domestic livestock and wildlife. Their broad host range and potential for disease transmission make them a significant concern for animal health and the agricultural industry. Effective control and prevention strategies, as well as ongoing research, are essential to combat the spread of this invasive tick species and protect the well-being of animals.

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Tick Species Hanna Dorman Barclay Tick Species Hanna Dorman Barclay

Ixodes Scapularis: How to identify the deer tick, and how they transmit diseases to pets

Ixodes scapularis ticks are small, blood-sucking arachnids that are notorious for transmitting various diseases to both humans and animals. These ticks are commonly found in wooded areas, tall grasses, and leaf piles, making them a potential threat to pets who enjoy outdoor activities. Here we examine the common disease transmitted by Ixodes scapularis to pet and also discuss how to ID these ticks.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

Shielding the Herd: Tick Prevention for Farm Animals and Livestock

Farm animals and livestock are the backbone of agriculture, providing us with essential resources like food, milk, and wool. However, these valuable creatures are often at risk of tick-borne diseases, which can not only affect their health but also impact farm productivity. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of tick prevention for farm animals and discuss effective strategies to safeguard your herd.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

What is Anaplasmosis and how does it impact pets?

Anaplasma phagocytophilum is a tiny bacterium that can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of our beloved pets, including dogs, cats, and horses. This intracellular pathogen is transmitted primarily through tick bites, making it essential for pet owners to be aware of the risks and understand the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options associated with anaplasmosis. In this blog, we'll delve into how Anaplasma phagocytophilum affects these three species and what you can do to protect your furry friends.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

Tick Testing for Pets: A Vital Step in Ensuring Their Health

One of the primary benefits of tick testing for pets is early detection of tick-borne diseases. When a tick is removed from your pet's body, it may carry disease-causing pathogens. Tick testing can identify whether the tick was infected and whether transmission of the disease is likely.

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Dogs, Lyme Disease Hanna Dorman Barclay Dogs, Lyme Disease Hanna Dorman Barclay

Lyme Disease in Dogs: What You Need to Know for Your Canine Companion

As responsible dog owners, we strive to provide the best care and protection for our four-legged friends. One health concern that dog owners in certain regions should be aware of is Lyme disease. This tick-borne illness can affect our beloved canine companions, potentially causing discomfort and long-term health issues. In this blog, we'll explore Lyme disease in dogs, including its causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

Lyme Disease in Cats: Understanding, Preventing, and Caring for Your Feline Friend

Lyme disease in cats, like in dogs and humans, is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted primarily through the bite of infected black-legged ticks and western black-legged ticks(Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus). While cats are less susceptible to Lyme disease than dogs, they can still contract the infection when bitten by an infected tick.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

How do you keep cats safe around permethrin?

Permethrin poisoning in cats is a serious condition that can prove fatal. Here we examine how permethrin poisoning happens in cats, the signs to recognize permethrin poisoning, how permethrin poisoning is treated, and how to prevent permethrin poisoning.

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Hanna Dorman Barclay Hanna Dorman Barclay

How is permethrin used for tick prevention in dogs?  

This blog examines permethrin use in dogs. Many tick prevention methods for dogs employ the use of permethrin. So we are answering questions we often get about permethring: what is it, how does it work, and who should use it.

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Paul Killinger Paul Killinger

Ticks don’t die when it’s cold outside

Ticks as a population are fairly skilled at reading the signs and taking steps to stay warm and hydrated during those cold months. This energy-conserving decision to suspend questing may be called Behavioral Diapause.

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Alison Gardner Alison Gardner

What is Bartonella

This blog post delves into the world of Bartonella, particularly focusing on Bartonella henselae, a noteworthy species with global impact. With its primary vector being the cat flea, this bacteria is known for causing Cat Scratch Disease (CSD), a condition that poses unique challenges for diagnosis and prevention.

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